“Doge” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.
The Scuole Grandi — or the Great Schools — were Venetian medieval charities which due to their wealth became important institutions
Quarantine was the main method of prevention of the black plague in Venice, and the lazzaretti served that purpose.
“Fornicators of Nuns” were criminals in ancient Venice, and harshly punished, but that didn’t stop nuns from having lovers.
“Monachini, Moneghini” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.
“Inquisitori alle Scuole Grandi” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.
“Carampane” from the Dizionario del Dialetto Veneziano by Giuseppe Boerio, translated by René Seindal.
“Carampane” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.
In ancient Venice prostitution was considered a necessary evil, where more harm would come from a ban than from a de facto acceptance
“S. Polo (Sestiere, Campo, Salizzada, Ponte, Rio)” from Curiosità Veneziane by Giuseppe Tassini