About René Seindal

René rowing his gondola

History Walks Venice is run by René Seindal.

René is Danish by birth, but lives in Venice for fifteen years with Martina, his Venetian wife, and their two dogs Stella and Giubba.

René has an M.A. in History and Italian, and a B.Sc. in computer science and math, both from the University of Copenhagen. He is also an authorized tour leader (accompagnatore turistico) in Italy.

Living in Venice with Venetian relatives and friends, together with his passion for everything past, has made it impossible for him not to delve into the rich history that permeates everything in Venice.

Wherever you look in Venice, history stares back at you. The names of the alleyways, an ancient graffiti on a wall, an altar in a dark passage, it all tells you something about the past and the people who lived then. This is what he would like to share with you on his history walks.

His native tongue is Danish, and he speaks and writes English and Italian fluently.

Photography and Boats

René Seindal is also a capable photographer. He has participated in exhibitions in Venice and elsewhere on various occasions. A collection of his photos is available online at Venice Street Photography.

René is also a keen kayaker and rower. He owns more boats that he has space to keep, and generally enjoys fooling around in boats.

Finally, he is also a member and volunteer with the ArcheoClub Venezia. Among other things he does guided visits in English and Italian at the Lazzaretto Nuovo.

Contact René

You can write René at rene@historywalksvenice.com

One response to “About René Seindal”

  1. Mena Pisto avatar
    Mena Pisto

    Hello we wil be in Venice for 2nites 3 days in mid August. What is your price for a tour guide? Tks

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