Carampane — Lessico Veneto

Lessico Veneto - Mutinelli - cover image


The Lessico Veneto (Venetian Vocabulary) by Fabio Mutinelli was published in 1851. It is an invaluable tool for anybody who reads texts from the time of the Republic of Venice.

Fabio Mutinelli (1797-1876) was director of the I. R. Archivio Generale di Venezia (1847-1861), and a prolific writer on the history of Venice.

CARAMPANE, an alleyway of the city in the district of San Cassiano,
to which the Rampani family gave its name, who owned many houses in the same street. « In 1421 the houses at Ca Rampani in San Cassan were assigned to the public prostitutes. A matron was placed in charge of them, who kept record of the money, and divided the earnings equally every month. »

Original Italian text

CARAMPANE , via della città nella contrada di san Cassiano ,
cui diede il nome la famiglia Rampani , la quale possedeva molte case nella via stessa. « Nel 1421 furono assegnate alle pubbliche meretrici le Case di Ca Rampani a san Cassan. Fu posto al governo di costoro una matrona, che teneva cassa del danaro , e divideva ogni mese a tanto per testa il guadagno. »

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