Austrian soldiers entered Venice on January 18th, 1798.
The lagoon is particularly beautiful in the winter, if one dresses for the weather.
Headless eagles on Venetian lampposts — small signs of big events in the past.
Current digs in the Piazza San Marco reveal the ancient brick pavings of the square, as we know them from paintings.
Having a university history professor on a tour, and getting this kind of response, makes it worth all the time spent studying.
Getting a review like this the morning after a pleasant walk around Venice is always a satisfaction. This is precisely what I’d like to achieve with my tours.
The Vogalonga is a major event in Venice, but the problem it was a protest against, remains unsolved half a century later
The Republic of Venice had a magistracy of “Superintendents and regulators for the avoidance and regulation of superfluous expenses.”