“Bande (Ponte, Calle delle) at S. Maria Formosa” from Curiosità Veneziane by Giuseppe Tassini
“S. Pietro (Parrocchia, Campo, Ponte di)” from Curiosità Veneziane by Giuseppe Tassini
Today several stumbling stones were placed in Venice, one of them in memory of Elia Gino Musatti in Salizada dei Greci in Venice
We don’t know the exact date of the death of Marco Polo, but his last will and testament is dated January 9th, 1323 M.V.
The Sestiere Cannaregio is the second largest of the six, extending from the railroad station to the Rialto. It covers almost half of the northern part of Venice.
Who would expect to find runes in Venice? Yet, in central Venice a statue of a lion is covered in runic inscriptions
“Mezzo (Calle di) in Ruga Giuffa, a S. Maria Formosa.” from Curiosità Veneziane by Giuseppe Tassini
St Nicholas is celebrated on December 6th in much of Christianity. Associated with sailors and gift-giving, he is the origin of Santa Claus.
The acqualta – high tide – on November 12th, 2019, was the second highest ever measured.