The writings on this site are split into several categories, but they’re all listed here together, chronologically, newest first.
The categories are Articles, Blog posts, Venetian Stories (newsletters), Lists and translations from Curiosità Veneziane.
Lazzaretto Vecchio – six centuries
On October 10th, 1423, exactly six hundred years ago, the Venetian state decided to create the first lazaret in the world.
A Roman assassination attempt
On October 5th, 1607, the Roman church tried to assassinate the Venetian monk and theologist Fra’ Paolo Sarpi.
Santa Fosca and San Felice
Strada Nove #5: The parts of the Strada Nove around Santa Fosca and San Felice only exist thanks to numerous demolitions of common people’s houses
The journeys of a dead saint
Seventeen centuries of adventures – the incredible post mortem journeys of Santa Lucia of Syracuse
Open day at the Lazzaretto Vecchio
The Lazzaretto Vecchio was open for visits this weekend. Openings are occasional and this was only occasion to see the island this year.
Rio di San Leonardo
Strada Nove #3: The Rio di San Leonardo was interred in 1818, ostensibly for economic reasons, even though the locals complained.
Honest woman and loving friends
The Bridge of the Honest woman and the Love of friends Alleyway are some of the odder street names in Venice
Rio del Isola
Strada Nove #2: Rio del Isola was a canal in Venice which was filled in and joined up with the Lista di Spagna to form the start of the current Strada Nova