The writings on this site are split into several categories, but they’re all listed here together, chronologically, newest first.
The categories are Articles, Blog posts, Venetian Stories (newsletters), Lists and translations from Curiosità Veneziane.
The fortress of Sant’Andrea
The Fortress of Sant’Andrea, in the Venetian lagoon, is a unique example of Renaissance military architecture and engineering. It played an important part in the fall of Venice in 1797.
Small satisfactions
Getting a review like this the morning after a pleasant walk around Venice is always a satisfaction. This is precisely what I’d like to achieve with my tours.
Citizen of the Republic of Venice
Being a citizen of the Republic of Venice could mean different things, mostly depending on the conditions of your birth
Gli abiti de veneziani — by Giovanni Grevembroch
“Gli abiti de veneziani di quasi ogni età con diligenza raccolti e dipinti nel secolo XVIII,” by Giovanni Grevembroch, is a treasure of information about Venetians dress in the 1700s.
The Republic of Venice
The Republic of Venice never had an actual formal constitution, much less a written constitution. Neither did it have any kind of foundational event.
The Vogalonga is a major event in Venice, but the problem it was a protest against, remains unsolved half a century later
A Chronology of the Fall of Venice
The Republic of Venice ended on May 12th, 1797. The decline had been long and slow, but the final blow came from France.
The plague doctor
The plague doctor with the beaked mask might not have much to do with Venice — that figure is more likely to be French.
However, we’ll make another
In the late Venetian republic, when the doge died, they held the funeral for a statue.
Sources and publications
A list of some of the sources and publications used to create this web site — spanning half a millennium.