The lazzaretti in Venice were the Venetian republic’s response to the emergency of the plague, and an efficient response too.
Cocciopesto is a dark red colour commonly used for short-lived writing on walls – but sometimes they survive.
The word “Lazaret” (“Lazzaretto” in Italian) comes from the original name of the medieval plague hospital in the Venetian Lagoon.
Lazzaretto Vecchio was the first stable hospital and quarantine station for the bubonic plague in the world, founded in 1423 by the Republic of Venice.
Lazzaretto Vecchio was the first stable hospital and quarantine station for the bubonic plague in the world, founded in 1423 by the Republic of Venice.
The black plague ravaged Venice for centuries, from the mid 1300s to the late 1700s. This is a chronology of some of the most important events.
Europe witnessed repeated outbreaks of the black plague – or the bubonic plague – from the 14th until the 17th century.