Strada Nove #2: Rio del Isola was a canal in Venice which was filled in and joined up with the Lista di Spagna to form the start of the current Strada Nova
If everything is old in Venice, then what about the bridges? Well, surprise, most of them are not. In fact, 3/4 of the bridges are modern.
Big Eyes, Honest Women and the Love of Friends. There are some odd place names in Venice, which pose many questions with few answers.
“More veneto” refers to the official calendar of the Venetian State which was based on the ancient Roman calendar
On August 3rd, 1944, the German occupiers dragged seven men out of prison and executed them in front of friends and family
Curiosità Veneziane by Giuseppe Tassini is the go-to book for information on Venetian placenames and a treasure trove of curious historical titbits.