Catalogue of all the principal and most honoured Courtesans of Venice

Remove the sewers from the city, all will be filled with stench.
Remove the harlots from of the city, all will all be filled with lust.

THIS IS THE CATALOGUE of all the principal and most honoured Courtesans of Venice, their names, and the names of their go-betweens, and the rooms where they live, and even more it tells you about the district where their rooms are, and also the amount of money that those Gentlemen have to pay, who wish to enter into their grace.

Decorative separator

To the very magnificent and courteous Lady, Livia Azalina, my patron and most obsequious mistress.

It is customary for all those who bring some work to light to dedicate it either to Princes or to people who are excellent in the profession of which the work deals, the former for their own gain and profit and the latter for the reputation and honour of the one who dedicates such a work to them. Having therefore drawn up a summary or rather catalogue, if not of all the Courtesans of this City, at least as many as I could, of the most honoured and famous that can be found, how­ever it seemed to me that I had no thought of any gain other than your grace to dedicate to you, my lady friend, my present labour which will be supported by your courtesy with that cheerful spirit that you usually show towards each one who faithfully serves you, the true reason why I have made the choice of your person among all the noble Courtesans, so the world can clearly know you, I will not stop saying that in addition to my affectionate servitude, seeing You as the pinnacle of beauty, virtue and good creations as Princess of all the Venetian Cour­tesans, I dedicate and consecrate this small effort to you which under your honoured name will certainly go to every place, I kiss your honoured hands, and I commend myself to your good grace.

Of Your Ladyship

the Most affectionate servant A. C.

1.Anzola Trivisana, on the canal behind Barba Frutariol, go-between Madalena del Prete at the ferry at San FeliceSCUDI 4
2.Alvisa, going towards the Frari at the Ponte dei Saoneri, go-between Chate Schiavona at Santa Catarina2
3.Anzola Bechera, at the Ponte di Latteri, go-between Medea at San Giobbe1
4.Antonia, lives in Ruga Giuffa, go-between her-self, pay2
5.Andriana, at San Barnaba in Ca’ Zane, go-between Meneghina Grega2
6.Andriana, at the Maddalena near the ferry, go-between Cate Schiavona in whatever way1
7.Attallante, at the Maddalena, go-between Constanza at the Ponte Storto1
8.Anzola Spadera, who lived in Biri, at Santa Catarina, go-between Menega lives in Biri6
9.Andriana Favreta, at San Fantin, go-between Marieta Bassa in Calle dell’Aseo2
10.Andriana Zen, at Santa Fosca in the houses of the Scuola Grande della Carità, go-between her-self1
11.Andriana Shiavonetta, at Santa Fosca, married woman, go-between Catarina her mother to get a return1
12.Antonia Borella, in the parish of San Trovaso, go-between the wife of the boatman who lives below8
13.Anzola Stampadora, at Santa Catarina, go-between her-self1
14.Amabilia, lives at Santa Marina, go-between her-self1
15.Aquilina Veronese, sister of Amabilia, lives at Santa Marina, go-between her sister1
16.Andriana Spadera, in Spadaria above the pharmacist of the Bucintoro, go-between her mother1
17.Anzola Bel occhio, at Santa Catarina, go-between the boatman Jacomo dal Intelletto who ferries nearby1
18.Agnesina, a Santa Catarina, go-between Meneghina her neighbour6
19.Amabilia Verzotta, at the Ponte de Noal, go-between her-self1
20.Antonia Spagnuola, at the Servi di Maria, go-between one of her servants6
21.Antonia Marcelina, lives at Sant’Antonin, go-between the boatman’s wife who lives below3
22.Antonia Bonella, lives at Santa Catarina, go-between Mattio boatman who ferries nearby3
23.Andriana Burchieretta, lives at Santa Catarina, go-between her-self2
24.Antonia Zotta, on the Fondamenta del Ghetto, go-between her-self4
25.Anzola Pesta la Salsa, at S. Tomà at the ferry, go-between her-self1
26.Aurelia Poca terra, at the Frari, in the houses of Ca’ Contarini, go-between Cristofolo labourer in the square1
27.Anzola Vedora, at the Frari, in the houses of Ca’ Contarini, but she is a bit old, go-between her-self1
28.Anzola Muranese, lives at S. Marcuola in the canal by means of Medea, go-between the thresher1
29.Anzola Becchera, at S. Gerolamo, go-between her-self1
30.Betta Contessa, at the Gesuati in the fondamenta, go-between the boatman who lives below1
31.Bertolina Ruosa, at Santa Agnese at the Ponte de Mezzo of the gambling house go-between Marieta Grega at S. Trovaso1
32.Baffe Sorelle, at S. Simion grande, go-between her mother1
33.Betta Facchinetta and her sister, at Santa Catarina, go-between mr. Zaccaria boatman who ferries nearby1
34.Bettina Padoana, at the Ponte dell’Aseo, go-between Elena in Calle della Lanza a S. Gregorio1
35.Bettina Sabionera, at Santa Margherita by means of the baker, go-between his wife1
36.Betta, at S. Marziale, go-between Chate called Schiavona1
37.Bettina, at Santa Ternita, go-between her-self2
38.Betta Linariola, at S. Barnaba, go-between one of her servants2
39.Bianca, at Madonna dell’ Orto, go-between her-self6
40.Betta Lavandera, lives at Santa Maria Formosa in Calle Longa, go-between her god-mother the mirror-maker nearby2
41.Bortola Becchara, at San Giobbe, go-between her-self1
42.Chiaretta Barbiera, at San Felice go-between her mother Lugretia6
43.Cornelia Guantera, at Santo Apostolo, married woman, go-between Lucia her servant4
44.Catarinella Furlana, in Biri, go-between Menega of Biri8
45.Catarinella, at Santa Catarina, go-between her servant4
46.Casandra, in Biri, go-between Gironimo Milanese8
47.Catarinella, at the Carmini in the new houses, go-between Angelica a San Barnaba2
48.Candiana di Martini, at Santo Agustino, go-between her sister in the house4
49.Chiaretta da Leze, in the Corte dei Muti, go-between Pasqua her servant10
50.Cornelia Murlaquetta, at Santa Sofia, go-between Betta daughter of Maria at Santi Apostoli in Ca’ Michiel4
51.Cornelia Briana, at Santa Maria Maggiore in the houses of Ca’ Capello, go-between her brother embroiderer1
52.Cornelia Granda, at San Lorenzo, for on month continuous, go-between Elena dalle Acque and her sister15
53.Cornelia Schiavonetta, at Santa Fosca with risk of dirt/decay, go-between her mother Catarina1
54.Cornelia Zorzi, at Santa Catarina in paludo in Ca’ Moro, go-between Cate Schiavona1
55.Chiaretta Padovana, at the Ponte dell’Aseo, knock on the door, talk to her mother, pay what you want
56.Cornelia del Stefani, at Santa Agnese, go-between Marta at S. Vio6
57.Chiara Buratella, on the Giudecca the dark side, go-between Laura Grassa on the Fondamenta della Carità, and Anzolo boatman2
58.Caleghere, at Santa Catarina who lived at Santa Croce, go-between knock on the door3
59.Chiara Francese, at Santa Catarina, go-between Jacomo boatman2
60.Cornelia Stampadora, at Santa Catarina, go-between her-self1
61.Catarina Caleghera, at San Fantin half-way besides the church, go-between her mother4
62.Cornelia Casa Vechia, at Santa Maria Formosa in Calle Lunga, go-between her mother2
63.Cornelia Pesta la Salsa, at San Simion Grando, go-between her aunt Anzola18
64.Catarina Caleghera, at Santo Apponal, bo-betweens the labourers in the square2
65.Chiara Buranella, at San Trovaso in the parish, go-between her mother Catarina2
66.Catarina da Todi, married woman at San Vio, go-between her servant1
67.Camilla, woman of the nephew of the parish priest of San Pantalon, lives at Santa Margherita, go-between her-self1
68.Cicilia, at the Ponte dei Assassini, go-between her mother Doratia1
69.Cicilia Zotta, at the Ponte dell’Aseo, go-between Catarina her servant2
70.Catarina Granda, at Santa Maria Zobenigo, go-between her mother Elena4
71.Catarina Petenera, in Biri, go-between Menega of Biri2
72.Cornelietta, at Sant’Alvise go-between her self1
73.Cicilia Caraffa, at San Tomà, go-between her servant20
74.Calidonia, at Santa Catarina, go-between her self2
75.Chiaretta Pisana, lives at the Ponte dell’Aseo, go-between her mother Orsa, plays and sings for entertainment1
76.Cornelia Niza, lives at the Frari, go-between the woman Menega wife of a boatman at San Barnaba10
77.Chiaretta dal Figo, at Santo Antonin, go-between Antonia wife of a boatman nearby1
78.Catarina Tajapiera, lives at Santa Catarina in Ruga dei Do Pozzi, go-between her brother Zorzi1
79.Catarinella, who lived at SS Giovanni e Paolo, lives at Santa Catarina, go-between herself4
80.Diana dai Colombini, in borgo di San Trovaso, go-between Anzolo Pesta la Salsa4
81.Diamante, who lived at Santa Catarina lives at Ponte dei Bareteri, go-between Chate schiavona1
82.Diana ditta la Fuina, in the Rio delle Fornase at the plank wall, go-between her mother2
83.Diana di Checa pugiese, a San Martin, go-between her mother2
84.Diamante, in Frezzeria, go-between her-self1
85.Elena da Canal, at the Maddalena at San Marziale2
86.Elena Senese, at the Ponte de Noal, go-between her mother2
87.Elena Driza, at Santa Sofia, go-between her servant8
88.Elena Balbi, in Frezzeria, go-between her servant2
89.Elenetta, lives at Santa Catarina in Ruga dei Do Pozzi, go-between Chate Schiavona nearby2
90.Elena Rossa, lives at Santa Maria dei Servi, go-between her mother½
91.Elena Granda, at San Trovaso, go-between Laura Sporca nearby2
92.Elena, at San Moisè at the start of Calle della Ternita, go-between her self2
93.Felicita Trevisanella, lives at Santi Apostoli, go-between Madalena del Prete at the ferry at San Felice8
94.Faustina, in the parish of San Trovaso, in the houses of Ca’ Mocenigo, go-between her mother1
95.Franceschina Barcariola, at San Marziale, go-between Chate Schiavona1
96.Franceschina Tron, at S. Luca in Corte delle Campane go-between her-self at her choice1
97.Franceschina Morella, at S. Benetto, go-between her servant1
98.Franceschina Ragusea, lives at San Marco, go-between her-self2
99.Franceschina Verzotta, at the Ponte de Noal, go-between mr. Zorzi cloth weaver nearby1
100.Franceschina, at the Ponte de Noal, go-between Denton in her/his house1
101.Franceschina Sara, at Santi Apostoli under Ca’ Corner, go-between the linen maker below2
102.Franceschina Stampa, at San Francesco dalla Vigna behind the church, go-between Francesco da Siena lives at San Barnaba7
103.Franceschina Zaffetta, from Padova, lives in Cannaregio near the Ponte di Legno, near the baker, go-between her mother Madalena and Margarita Schiavona her servant lives in the ‘Paradise’ houses, pays rent of scudi 406
104.Faustina, at Santa Catarina, go-between her self1
105.Franceschina di Giacesi, lives at Ponte di Noal above the wine tavern, go-between wine seller below2
106.Franceschina, at the Ponte de Ca’ Marcello, the dark portico, go-between her self1
107.Felice Pottona, at Santa Catarina, go-between mr. Alvise boatman at Rialto her step-father4
108.Gratiosa Cornera, at Santa Catarina, go-between Angelica at San Barnaba2
109.Giulia Balbi, in Calle dell’Aseo, go-between her mother2
110.Giulia Tode, at San Paternian, risk of [hair,skin,leather], go-between Lugretia Zotta2
111.Gratiosa dal Quarto, at Santa Catarina in Ruga, go-between herself1
112.Giulia del Mido, at Santa Catarina, go-between herself1
113.Giulia Fornera, at Santo Alvise in the houses of Ca’ Giustinian, go-between Chate Schiavona10
114.Giulia Stravacina, in Calle dell’Aseo, go-between Marietta Baffa nearby1
115.Giulia Barcaruola, in Campo dell’Erba, married woman, go-between Chate Schiavona1
116.Geronima di Alvisa da Piasenza, at San Bernaba half-way besides the church, go-between Marta Visentini8
117.Giulia Festina, at San Gerolamo, go-between donna Chate supplier of servants a Santa Margherita in Corte del Forner15
118.Giulia Rosà, at Santa Giustina, go-between her-self6
119.Gratiosa Vilanella, lives at Santa Catarina, go-between her mother1
120.Giulia, at the Maddalena towards the ferry, go-between her mother1
121.Imperia Zotta, at San Stae, go-between Angelica mentioned1
122.Isabella, who lived at the ferry of San Felice, lives at Santa Catarina, with whom one does not haggle to be good, go-between her mother Laura
123.Isabella called Folega, at San Tomà, go-between Imperia Zotta di San Stae1
124.Ipolita Zudia, at the Misericordia, go-between herself4
125.Isabella, at the Crociferi, go-between herself6
126.Isabella Casa Vecchia, at Santa Maria Formosa in Calle longa, go-between her mother2
127.Isabella Bell’occhio, at Santa Catarina, go-between Jacomo boatman nearby10
128.Isabella Todesca, a San Fantin al Ponte dei Assassini, go-between her servant1
129.Ipolita Padoana, at the Ponte dell’Aseo, go-between her-self at her choice4
130.Ipolita Zotta, at Santi Apostoli, go-between the one who lives below1
131.Isebella Brunetta, lives at San Beneto in the hosues of Ca’ Zorzi, go-between her mother6
132.Liria Azzalina, at San Marziale, go-between Maria Visentina et Meneghina, lives Corte da Ca’ Badoer at the Ponte dei Assassini25
133.Lucietta Brunella, lives at San Gregorio who lived at San Marcuola, go-between Laura called Grassa15
134.Libera, at Santa Margherita on the corner in the red houses, go-between blacksmith Piero dal Spadon in the square2
135.Laura Stradiotta, in Calle de la Testa at SS Giovanni e Paolo, go-between herself2
136.Lugrezia Camera, at Ponte della Panada, go-between Lucia her servant2
137.Lugrezia Barcariola, in Rio de San Polo, go-between Elena dalle Acque2
138.Lodovica Stella, at San Barnaba behind the church, go-between her servant4
139.Letitia Parisotta, at San Barnaba, go-between her-self2
140.Laureta Picola, at Santa Catarina, go-between herself1
141.Lucieta Trevisana, at Santa Soffia, go-between her mother2
142.Lucieta Caleghera, lives in Rio Marin al Ponte della Latte, go-between her self4
143.Laura Grassa, at San Luca, go-between her neighbour1
144.Laura Granda, at Santa Maria Zobenigo, go-between her mother Elena1
145.Lugretia Spagnola, lives in Ruga at Santa Catarina, go-between her-self4
146.Lugretia dal Vanto, alli Crociferi, go-between Mattio boatman ferries at San Benetto2
147.Lauretta Cavalcadora, at Santo Aponal, go-between her son who lives in the house, pay what you want
148.Lucieta Bizara, live at Santa Croce, go-between the labourer mr. Antonio dall’Ogio, lives below3
149.Lugretia Mortesina, in Castello, go-between her-self, pay what you want
150.Lucietta Cul Streto, lives at San Giuseppe, go-between Isepo greengrocer nearby — Hungarian2
151.Lucietta Medeghina, lives at San Giacomo dell’Orio, go-between donna Marcolina wife of blacksmith nearby2
152.Ludovica Franchina, lives at San Benetto, go-between her-self2
153.Ludovica, who lived at Santo Stefano, lives at Santa Catarina in new houses, go-between her self2
154.Lucietta dall Osso Pagan ditta Bernarda, lives at the Crociferi, go-between the boatman who lives below7
155.Lucietta Burche, at San Tomà, go-between her mother1
156.Lucietta, lives at the Crociferi, go-between her-self2
157.Lugretia Barabagola, at San Barnaba, go-between one of her neighbours1
158.Lugretia Favreta, at San Gregorio, go-between Oliva Frizi fish(sic!) at San Barnaba1
159.Laura, in Corte delle Campane at San Luca, go-between her-self1
160.Lugretia, at the start of the Sottoportego de la Vicenza,, go-between her sevant4
161.Letitia, at Santa Catarina, go-between one of her neighbours1
162.Laura Muranese, at San Marcuola by means of Medea, go-between her-self1
163.Lugretia di Colti, at Santa Sofia, go-between the thresher2
164.Lucietta Potona, at the Ponte del Agnello, go-between mr. Alvise boatman at Rialto her step-father1
165.Marietta Grega, lives at San Marcuola, go-between Lugretia lives at San Giovanni in Bragora4
166.Marina Libera, in the Rio de San Lorenzo, go-between the boatman who lives below4
167.Madalena Mastelera, in Rio Marin, go-between her-self6
168.Marietta Gazeta, at Sant’Angelo at the Ponte dei Assassini, go-between her mother2
169.Marietta Velera, in Rio Marin by means of the baker, knock on the door pay what you want
170.Marietta, in Barbaria delle Tole, go-between her mother1
171.Marietta Grega, in Biri, go-between Maria Visentin4
172.Madalena Muschiera, at San Lio behind the church, go-between knock on the door and walk upstairs1
173.Marietta Formento, under Ca’ Pesaro a San Benetto, go-between herself1
174.Marietta Longo, in Calle di Santa Catarina, go-between knock on the door and give her [sic!]1
175.Marietta, at San Giacomo dell’Orio, and lived at Santa Catarina half-way besides the church, go-between her mother1
176.Marietta Bombardona, at Ponte dell’Aseo in the Corte de Ca’ da Lezze, go-between one of house servants2
177.Marietta Vespa, a San Gerolamo in the houses of Ca’ Moro, go-between her-self6
178.Marina Borgognona, lives at San Felice, go-between her self1
179.Madalena de Jacomo dai Ormesini, a San Simion Grando, go-between one of her servants4
180.Moresina, in Biri, go-between Chate Schiaona ditta1
181.Momola, a San Benetto, go-between her-self1
182.Marina Briconi, at Santi Apostoli, go-between her servant4
183.Marietta Linariola, at Santa Maria Maggiore, go-between Antonio de Lunardo nearby1
184.Marietta di Donna Antonia grega, in Ruga Giuffa, go-between her mother3
185.Nicolosa, at San Fantin, go-between her self1
186.Orsetta Ragusea, at San Benetto, go-between her mother Franceschina a San Marco6
187.Orsetta mi nol vogio, in Biri, go-between Lugretia her servant2
188.Ottavia, in Ruga dei Do Pozzi a Santa Catarina, go-between her mother1
189.Orsetta dal Sal, at the bridge in Calle del Megio, go-between Chiara at Malcanton10
190.Ottavianella, at Santa Catarina, go-between her mother1
191.Orsetta Poca Terra, at the Frari in the houses of Ca’ Contarini, go-between Christofolo labourer in the square2
192.Paula Franca, at Santa Maria Formosa, go-between her self2
193.Paulina Padoana, at the Ponte dell’Aseo, go-between Maria Visentina4
194.Pasqua Misocca, lives at the Two Bridges, go-between her servant2
195.Paula Pisana, at the Ponte dell ‘Aseo, go-between her mother10
196.Paula Traversa Tonda, lives at Santa Giustina, go-between Andriana Murera at San Fantin5
197.Paulina Filla Canero, a Santa Lucia, go-between one of her servants30
198.Samaritana, at the corner of Rio Marin, go-between Jacomo boatman who ferries at SS Giovanni e Paolo4
199.Tulia Balina, lives at Santa Catarina behind the church, go-between Lucia her aunt10
200.Todra Cuci, at the Ponte dei Frari, go-between the thresher1
201.Vienna Borella, in the parish of San Trovaso, for eight days, go-between the boatman who lives below15
202.Vassalea, at Santi Apostoli in the houses of Ca’ Bembo, go-between Chate Schiaona2
203.Vicenza Buranese, at San Tomà, go-between her-self2
204.Veronica Franca, at Santa Maria Formosa, go-between her mother2
205.Viena, lives at Madona del Orto, go-between her servant6
206.Vetorella Bella man, at San Barnaba, go-between her neighbour nearby3
207.Violante Senese, at the Madalena, go-between Costanza at the Ponte Storto4
208.Viena, at San Felice down the brigde in the attic above in the new houses, go-between the wife of the window-maker below1
209.Viena, at Santa Catarina at the start of the Ruga, go-between Chate Schiavona2
210.Zanetta Buranella, in the parish of San Trovaso, go-between her mother Catarina2

The number of these Ladies is 215, and whoever wants to be friends with all of them must pay gold scudi 1200.

Decorative separator

I have faithfully taken the above List from a similar print, which appears to be from the 16th century, favoured to me by the kindness of the noble Mr Giulio Abbot Molin (*).

(*) Please note that the aforementioned note is by the copyist himself. — Moreover, this Catalog or List, whose edition made in Venice in the 16th century (in 8º without indication of place, year and printer) is very rare, is reproduced here taken from the aforementioned handwritten copy contained in Miscellanea 2483 of the Cicogna Collection in the Museo Correr of Venice.


Leggi e memorie venete sulla prostituzione fino alla caduta della Republica, a spese del conte di Oxford, 1870-72. Venezia, Tipografia del Commercio di Marco Visentini, 1872.

The note above is most likely by Giambattista Lorenzi of the Biblioteca Marciana, compiler of the texts in the cited work, as it results from its preface.

For a brief discussion of this list, see A catalogue of Venetian prostitutes, related comments, and of the cited work, An authorless book.

For the original Venetian text, see Catalogo di tutte le principal et più honorate Cortigiane di Venetia.

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