Hidden history – all reviews

Byzantine art on the walls in Venice

Reviews for the Hidden History in plain sight walk.

Thank you for the wonderful tour

July 31, 2021

Rene brought history in Venice to life and was patient and thoughtful all the way through the tour — he was super focused on our experience and extremely knowledgeable. We recommend this to anyone coming to Venice…we only wish we did this tour in the early part of our trip instead of near the end!


A real trip to history

July 29, 2021

René is a great guide, deep into details. Very interesting, you start to pay attention to every part of each building around, a real trip to history. Thank you! Really need much more time to get in touch with the city.


What a tour

July 28, 2021

What a tour. We got to see a wealth of small, hidden things which tell so much about the history of Venice. René is very knowledgeable and easy going and shares his deep knowledge of Venice’s history in an informal and pleasant way. We also got a great deal of information about what it is like to live in Venice these days, and Rene took us to a more local area where you get a good deal for lunch. We can highly recommend to book this tour.


Rene has an infinite wealth of information and generously shares his knowledge

July 26, 2021

Rene has an infinite wealth of information and generously shares his knowledge. He conveys even somewhat dry parts of history in a relatable manner and makes the past come alive. I truly enjoyed the tour and recommend it to anyone interested in learning more of what is beyond of what you see. Rene was very generous with his time and even made sure I got a seat for a good lunch after the tour.


Can highly recommend this tour

July 26, 2021

Can highly recommend this tour if you’re interested in history. René really knows his stuff and is very knowing about both the “big picture” of Venice in the history but also small interesting facts about the everyday life in the city.


No Title

July 25, 2021

Really recommend this tour, it was very informative and interesting!


No Title

July 25, 2021

René is a very friendly guide who knows all the small details and stories about Venice. We had a really nice time with him and enjoyed our tour!


No Title

July 24, 2021

René knows an incredible about about Venice. It was a lovely tour, which lasted longer than we paid for.


No Title

July 20, 2021

Gentilissimo e preparato. Sicuramente da fare se si vuole approfondire la storia della città e scoprirne i tanti particolari più nascosti.


It was truly a pleasure to hear your story

July 20, 2021

If you are looking for a tour that will take you somewhere else the usual most visited spots in Venice, this is it! René managed to explain how the city was built and works by paying our attention to the little details we passed by in the streets. He is passionate about history, life in Venice and adventures! René was happy to share his personal experience of life in Venice and he was definitely the warmest welcome in the city we could have wished for!


you will learn something

July 18, 2021

It was a pleasure to discover some new spots with René. He has tons of knowledge about the city, so even if you know Venice, you will learn something new!


Very enjoyable

July 18, 2021

Rene was a wonderful Guide He was very informative with all the small details while maintaining a continuous narrative of the larger history of Venice. He has embraced the History and spirit of Venice and deserves the title of Citizen of Venice. His command of the English language reflects his educational background. All in All , the Tour was easy , entertaining and educational


Una experiencia maravillosa

July 17, 2021

Una experiencia maravillosa. René logró captar la atención de toda la familia. Dinámico, didáctico y muy instruido. Definitivamente recomendamos a Rene para descubrir a una Venecia mágica llena de sorpresas y misterio.


René zeichnet kompentent und unterhaltsam ein Bild des historischen Lebens in Venedig

July 16, 2021

René zeichnet kompentent und unterhaltsam ein Bild des historischen Lebens in Venedig. Er hat uns auf so viele Details aufmerksam gemacht, die wir ohne ihn nie entdeckt oder verstanden hätten. Perfekt für alle Neugierigen, die mehr als einen schnellen Überblick möchten. Wir sind mit vielen bleibenden Eindrücken nach Hause gekommen und haben wieder ein etwas anderes, genaueres Bild von unserer Lieblingsstadt.


I can highly recommend this tour

July 16, 2021

I can highly recommend this tour if you want to discover more about Venice and it’s history. René has a deep knowledge of the subject and you can feel his enthusiasm. The walking part of the tour is rather short but it helps you to see Venice with a “trained” eye, which will help you to appreciate the different faces of the city even more than without the tour. I recommend taking the tour if you spend more than just one or two days in Venice in order to enjoy what you’ve learned when walking through the city.


This was a very interesting tour

July 13, 2021

This was a very interesting tour in a part of Venice that didn’t seem so touristy, so it was also a great way to explore a new area. Rene is filled with information and he is also very funny. He answered all my questions and even kept pointing out details after the tour ended as he showed me and the other group member our way to our next stop. You definitely pick up on things you would walk by without thinking about, and a few details will stick out to you the rest of your time in Venice.


René is very knowledgable

July 13, 2021

René is very knowledgable and has so many interesting stories to tell. I feel like I got to know the city in a way I could never have done on my own. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a more in-depth tour.


No Title

July 12, 2021

The tour was very nice. We really enjoyed and we ended up spending more than the two hours.


Perfect if you are really into history

July 8, 2021

Perfect if you are really into history and want to know every bit of Venice’s history. However I would say this tour isn’t for casual tourists who just want to hear some interesting information about places in Venice, as René often goes into really a lot of detail. He’s definitely an expert on the history of Venice, though, and is super passionate about it. I just expected the tour to be a bit more engaging, and that I would mostly hear more about the places or sights we see. Instead we often stopped for half an hour at a time and the storytelling wasn’t with much interaction or visual aspects.


Highly recommend this experience!

July 7, 2021

René far exceeded my expectations for this walking tour! He is incredibly knowledgeable about the city, history and architecture and has a great sense of humor. Highly recommend this experience!


Above and beyond expectation

July 7, 2021

Above and beyond expectation! We’ve done many historical tours, but René’s was truly exceptional! He has a true passion for his métier and goes way beyond the standard Venice history trip. A true historian that can link ancient to contemporary sociology-economic and political history to every inch of the city. And anything else that may interest you 🙂 He is humble, professional, fun and flexible to accommodate any special requests. A truly perfect way to kick-off a Venice adventure! With his insights you will spot endless details that otherwise you would walk past. Anything from ancient graffiti, security markers, revolutionary building structures, geological and climate effects, political organizers,… fascinating! No matter if you are an absolute history beginner of well versed in the literature, you will certainly be mind blown! Don’t hesitate for a second to book René’s tour!


Rene is very knowledgeable

July 6, 2021

Rene is very knowledgeable. He introduced the history of Venice to me through many details which you may never find it by yourself. I learned how to look at Venice in a more specific way.


This was a unique tour

July 6, 2021

This was a unique tour that showed me some history of Venice away from the normal tourist spots. Fun activity, got to see more local Venice and explore areas I would not normally have visited. Rene is passionate about the history and a good storyteller.


A wonderful look at the history of Venice

July 5, 2021

A wonderful look at the history of Venice, René is a splendid storyteller that takes you on a romp through the early centuries of Venice. The smallest of details that hiding huge stories can be found on this tour. Strongly recommend for history or art buffs.


We loved the tour – was my favourite part of our trip so thank you!

July 5, 2021

We loved this tour – René had amazing knowledge of Venetian history and was able to answer all our questions. We learnt so much and found it really fascinating. A highlight of our trip!


If you want to learn about the history of Venice and it’s architecture, Rene is your man

July 2, 2021

If you want to learn about the history of Venice and it’s architecture, Rene is your man! He’s incredibly knowledgeable, and I really got to know how Ventians lived over the centuries, and how to distinguish various architecture types and eras. I wouldn’t recommend this for kids- it was a great value and I learned a lot, but also a little dry.


We very much enjoyed the tour

June 27, 2021

Rene was very informative and clearly has a great love for Venice. We learnt many very interesting facts and mysteries and he was in no rush. We ended up spending 3.5hrs with him. Really well worth it!!


A gem of a tour

June 23, 2021

A gem of a tour, especially for people who love to understand how cities function. René even made a discussion of some crumbling bricks interesting. Seriously. René helped us gain a deeper appreciation for Venice. Highly recommend this tour.


War sehr lehrreich, wir haben viel über Venedig erfahren

June 21, 2021

War sehr lehrreich, wir haben viel über Venedig erfahren


Take this tour !

June 21, 2021

Rene was a fantastic guide and storyteller. He loves this beautiful city and it shows. Take this tour !


Rene was very knowledgeable and made the tour so fun!!

June 19, 2021

Thank you so much for sharing your vast knowledge about Venice history with us! We really enjoyed ourselves.


René has great detailed knowledge

June 18, 2021

René has great detailed knowledge, he is truly passionate about the history of Venice, we really enjoyed learning a lot!


Excellent tour! Recommend!”

June 12, 2021

Excellent tour! Recommend!”


René was an excellent connoisseur of Venetian history

June 11, 2021

René was an excellent connoisseur of Venetian history. He leads us back to the beginning of the first settlements of Venice and explains us how and why everything starts to become the important city of Venice . He shows us little details in the city to illustrate how people lived together in Venice in former times. René was very friendly and a sympathetic tourist guide who is highly recommendable.”


Thank you, René! I had a great time and learned so much!

June 7, 2021

I’m not big on “tours,” so René’s hidden history experience was a perfect way for me to learn about Venice without the crowds. We started with a brief historical overview for context, then he led me through the city pointing out details from ancient graffiti to architectural oddities and sharing the incredible stories behind each one. I would fully recommend this experience for anyone who hates to wait in line for big church tours but is interested in learning about their surroundings.


Loved our tour with René

June 6, 2021

Loved our tour with René! He’s super knowledgeable and passionate about Venice.


Rene truly knows Venice like nobody else

May 23, 2021

Rene truly knows Venice like nobody else. He will tell you a fascinating story of every corner, every street, every square, adding a bunch of interesting anecdotes to make a story alive. 2 hours passed in a heartbeat. I truly recommend this experience!


Grazie ancora e in bocca al lupo per i prossimi mesi

May 21, 2021

Our tour with René was, simply put, great. Not only we toured for almost 4 hrs instead of the scheduled 2, he is a true Venice and history enthusiast and was able to put a lot of details you’ll see in Venice into context. He gave us as well some great tips for local restaurants. Would definitely recommend to anyone.


Grazie Renè per la bella esperienza

May 17, 2021

René è un grande appassionato di storia e trasmette la sua passione e il suo amore verso Venezia. Abbiamo conosciuto una Venezia diversa e meno turistica


Grazie ancora per il tour, è stata un’esperienza fantastica!

May 12, 2021

René è una persona preparatissima e simpatica che riesce a trasmettere la sua passione per la storia in maniera lodabile.Girare con lui è stato un po’ come avere degli occhiali a raggi X con cui analizzare Venezia nei suoi particolari più reconditi ed interessanti.Consigliatissimo!


Incredible tour 🙂

December 21, 2020

Incredible tour 🙂 Amazing depth of knowledge and love for the city. Thank you 🙂


Rene showed us a lot about the city that is less known

November 8, 2020

Rene showed us a lot about the city that is less known, but helps a lot to understand the history and soul of Venice! The tour was not too fast and full of details! Also Rene had an answer to all our questions. He really is an enthusiastic and devoted guide!


Excellent experience off the beaten tracks

October 30, 2020

Excellent experience off the beaten tracks of conventional guided tours in Venice. René’s tour will offer you a vivid and well-achieved combination of funded historical knowledge and its routing within Venice’s fascinating microcosmos.


René is a very nice guy

October 18, 2020

René is a very nice guy who certainly knows what he is doing. By showing small objects on the historic buildings and squares (e.g. antique graffiti that you normally would not notice) he explains the history and everyday life of Venice and the Venetians. He is very well structured (you can tell he is a trained historian) and puts everything he explains into the historic perspective. I do recommend a tour with him, especially if you want to go off the beaten track (e.g. the more residential areas of historic Venice). At the end of the tour René suggested a fantastic restaurant that we wouldn’t have found ourselves.


Esperienza diversa dai soliti itinerari turistici

October 17, 2020

Esperienza diversa dai soliti itinerari turistici. Tantissima storia e aneddoti interessanti su Venezia!”


René was definitely knowledgeable of the area

October 17, 2020

René was definitely knowledgeable of the area. He shared a lot of history that we would have missed. I appreciated the book you brought and used for illustration purposes for my younger children (and for me… haha). It was a nice start to our weekend trip.


Rene’s tour was amazing

October 12, 2020

Rene’s tour was amazing! It gave us a much deeper and richer appreciation for Venice and it’s history to see the “history in plain sight” that Rene pointed out to us! Plus this tour was so worth it, easily the best value for our money in Venice. Rene was relaxed and genuinely eager to share stories and bits of history with us. Recommend resting before bc it is a decent amount of standing and walking! The 2pm one is perfect bc you can go just as lunch spots close.


Es war eine besondere Geschichtstour

October 9, 2020

Es war eine besondere Geschichtstour, die so viele Details gezeigt hat, die mir nie aufgefallen wären. Ich war beeindruckt von Renés Entdeckungslust und die offenbare Liebe und Begeisterung zu Venedig! Es war regelrecht ansteckend und hat Spaß gemacht! Durch seine Einblicke in diese besondere Stadt, konnten wir auch anschließend mit ganz anderen Augen beobachten und einen viel innigeren Zugang zu Venedig finden. Vielen Dank dafür!


René shares a lot of his tremendous knowledge about this city

October 5, 2020

René shares a lot of his tremendous knowledge about this city and its past and what you can still see of it in today’s Venice, if you just take a really close look. We sure didn’t feel bored even for a second, the tour is just overall really well-designed and there’s hardly a corner in the city René doesn’t have an interesting fact or story up his sleeve about. After the tour we kept catching ourselves looking for little scratch marks that maybe weren’t left there by an uncivilized tourist as you might believe in the first instant.


Just spent a fascinating 2 hours in the company of Rene

September 26, 2020

Just spent a fascinating 2 hours in the company of Rene. Super knowledgeable guy, great story-teller mixing historical details to current Venetian life.. We will look at Venice in a different light from now on. Thank you Rene..
