The Bridge of the Honest woman and the Love of friends Alleyway are some of the odder street names in Venice
Big Eyes, Honest Women and the Love of Friends. There are some odd place names in Venice, which pose many questions with few answers.
The paterae in Venice are small round reliefs that are scattered around the city, most of them dating to the medieval period.
Santa Claus is dead, and his bones are buried on both Bari and Venice. Most of him rests in Bari in Puglia, the rest in Venice on the Lido.
Viva il doge – Long live the doge – the writing on the wall celebrating the election of Andrea Gritto as doge in april 1523
Every stone in Venice tells a story. Recently I stumbled upon a stone telling a story of gaming. It had incised a Nine men’s Morris game board
A bridge at San Canciano is called the “bridge of the hung and quartered”. Nearby hangs some hooks on the wall, but nobody knows what they were for.