Sestieri di Venezia

  • Sestiere San Marco

    Sestiere San Marco

    The Sestiere San Marco is the central part of the city, bounded by the Grand Canal on three sides and a line from the Rialto to the Doge’s Palace on the last. It is one of the smallest of the sestieri, but probably the most important. The vicinity to the economic centre at Rialto and…

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  • Sestiere San Polo

    Sestiere San Polo

    The Sestiere San Polo is in central Venice, around the upper bend and central part of the Grand Canal.

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  • Sestiere Santa Croce

    Sestiere Santa Croce

    The Sestiere Santa Croce is in the central western part of Venice, along the upper bend of the Grand Canal. Today, the Tronchetto, the cruiser terminals and the Maritime station are parts of Santa Croce. They are, however, modern constructions reclaimed from the lagoon. The name Santa Croce The name means the Holy Cross, and…

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  • Sestiere Cannaregio

    Sestiere Cannaregio

    The Sestiere Cannaregio is the second largest of the six, extending from the railroad station to the Rialto. It covers almost half of the northern part of Venice.

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  • Sestiere Dorsoduro

    Sestiere Dorsoduro

    The Sestiere Dorsoduro is the southernmost part of Venice along the Giudecca canal.

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  • Sestiere Castello

    Sestiere Castello

    The Sestiere Castello is the easternmost of the six sestieri of Venice, and the largest and populous.

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  • Sestiere – sestieri

    Sestiere – sestieri

    Venice is divided into six sestiere whose origin is as old as the city of Venice itself. As far as we know, they have always been there.

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