“Prigioni” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.
The “Catalogo di tutte le principal et più honorate Cortigiane di Venetia” is a list of some 212 prostitutes, where they lived, and their prices.
THIS IS THE CATALOGUE of all the principal and most honoured Courtesans of Venice …
QUESTO SI È IL CATALOGO di tutte le principal et più honorate Cortigiane di Venetia
On March 18, 1618, the Collegio received Sir Henry Wotton (1568–1639), the ambassador of the King of Great Britain to the Republic of Venice, who had a rather odd request.
Being a citizen of the Republic of Venice could mean different things, mostly depending on the conditions of your birth
“Fornicators of Nuns” were criminals in ancient Venice, and harshly punished, but that didn’t stop nuns from having lovers.
“Monachini, Moneghini” from the Lessico Veneto (1851) by Fabio Mutinelli, translated by René Seindal.