Polentina — plate 37
The Arti che vanno per via nella città di Venezia (1753, 1770, 1785, etc.), by Gaetano Zompini (1700–1778), contains sixty engravings of common, mostly poor people, peddling their trades on the streets of Venice in the mid-1700s.

Quando la stagion fresca xe visina Ben calda col botiro, e col formagio Mi vendo in sto cain la polentina.
When the cool season is near Nice and hot with butter, and with cheese I sell from this basin the polenta.
Polenta — maize meal — is still a staple of the Venetian kitchen. While few would eat it with butter today, cheese is still very common.
A cain (ital: catino) is a shallow basin.
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Zompini, Gaetano. Le arti che vanno per via nella città di Venezia inventate ed incise da Gaetano Zompini, Aggiuntavi una memoria di detto autore. Venezia, 1785.
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