Concione — Lessico Veneto

Lessico Veneto - Mutinelli - cover image


The Lessico Veneto (Venetian Vocabulary) by Fabio Mutinelli was published in 1851. It is an invaluable tool for anybody who reads texts from the time of the Republic of Venice.

Fabio Mutinelli (1797-1876) was director of the I. R. Archivio Generale di Venezia (1847-1861), and a prolific writer on the history of Venice.

CONCIONE. General assembly of all the inhabitants of the islands making up the ancient Community of Venice, in which they deliberated. This order lasted until the regiment of the republic came at the mercy of the optimates.1

Translator’s notes

  1. The Concione or Concio was devoid of all power after the Consiglio Maggiore took over the election of the Doge. It was, however, only formally abolished in 1423.  ↩︎

Original Italian text

CONCIONE. Assemblea generale di tutti gli abitanti delle isole componenti l’antica Comunità di Venezia, in cui deliberavano. Durò quest’ ordine fino a che il reggimento della repubblica venne in balia degli ottimati.

p. 112

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