Frittole — street seller of fritters — Zompini — Arti #31

Gaetano Zompini - Arti che vanno per via - plate 31 - Frittole - street seller of fritters

Frittole — plate 31

The Arti che vanno per via nella città di Venezia (1753, 1770, 1785, etc.), by Gaetano Zompini (1700–1778), contains sixty engravings of common, mostly poor people, peddling their trades on the streets of Venice in the mid-1700s.


Su le sagre, e spesso anca in altri lioghi
Fritolazze mi vendo col zebibo
Che ve imprometto le ghe impata ai cuoghi


For the fairs, and often also in other places
I sell fritters with sweet raisins
So I assure you that they're a match for the cooks.


Still today, fritelle or frittole is a treat at the time of carnival. They are dumplings, fried in oil or lard, and rolled in sugar.

The frittole can contain raisins. Zibibbo is a sweet grape, but in this context it means raisins.

A sagra is a feast, very often on the day of the patron saint of a parish. Some of these feast still take place in Venice every year.

See Boerio (1829), entries SAGRA, FRITOLA, and IMPATAR.

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Boerio, Giuseppe. Dizionario del dialetto veneziano. Venezia : coi tipi di Andrea Santini e figlio, 1829.

Zompini, Gaetano. Le arti che vanno per via nella città di Venezia inventate ed incise da Gaetano Zompini, Aggiuntavi una memoria di detto autore. Venezia, 1785.

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