Pien Collegio — Lessico Veneto

Lessico Veneto - Mutinelli - cover image

Pien Collegio

The Lessico Veneto (Venetian Vocabulary) by Fabio Mutinelli was published in 1851. It is an invaluable tool for anybody who reads texts from the time of the Republic of Venice.

Fabio Mutinelli (1797-1876) was director of the I. R. Archivio Generale di Venezia (1847-1861), and a prolific writer on the history of Venice.

PIEN – COLLEGIO.1 Assembly, made up of the Doge, the six Councillors, the three Heads of the Quaranta al Criminal, and all the Savii, that is, Grandi, of the Mainland, and the Orders, which had two jurisdictional aspects; that of knowing and developing the affairs that had to be submitted to the Senate (hence it constituted therefore almost a vehicle of the Senate itself) and the other of deciding definitively on some matters belonging to the Senate, and delegated by it to the Pien Collegio. It is noted that the Pien Collegio admitted the ambassadors of foreign princes to the audience, even the bishops presenting themselves to it before going to their chair.

Translator’s notes

  1. The name Pien Collegio means the Full College.  ↩︎

Original Italian text

PIEN – COLLEGIO. Consesso, formato dal doge, dai sei Consiglieri, dai tre Capi dei Quaranta al Criminal, e da tutti i Savii, cioè Grandi, di Terraferma, e agli Ordini, il quale aveva due aspetti giurisdizionali; quello di conoscere e maturare gli affari che dovevano essere assoggettati al senato (laonde costituito era per ciò quasi un veicolo del senato stesso) e l’altro di decidere definitivamente sopra alcune materie appartenenti al senato, e da questo al Pien-Collegio delegate. Si avverte, che il Pien-Collegio ammetteva all’ udienza gli ambasciatori dei principi stranieri, presentandosi pure ad esso i vescovi prima di recarsi alla lor sedia.

Mutinelli (1851), p. 298.

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